All-Loving Hero: Despite being initially wary about each member due to their different race, they become this as they want to unite ponykind and to restore the magic once again, most notably Sunny and Zipp who are the only ponies who don't buy into Fantastic Racism outside of a few stereotypes, because they know for a fact, right from the start, that the different pony races used to be friends.

Notably, the gems don't work until they've committed themselves to the latter goal. What they originally assembled to do - restore the world's magic - is also heroic, but it was more self-centered than what they actually ended up doing (uniting the races once more).

Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: All of them save for Zipp have accessories that they wear, from Sunny's purse and Hitch's sash to Izzy's bracelet and Pipp's crown, but none wear full clothing.